Saturday, August 10, 2013

Catching Up

Hello every one! Yes it has been a Long time since i posted something here, but what can i say? I'm lazy and i got tired of posting the same pics three different times and getting almost no feedback here. Since someone contacted me through this blog recently, i felt I may as well post something. I've done a good deal of kimono dress up since then and i have done some other things as well.

So first up i'll start with the kimono related news and a few non kimono news of my life both old and recent.

So first up is a kimono fashion show. I don't have any pics of that but here is the story. I am in contact with my local Japanese society, they got in contact with me and told me to contact someone else if i was interested in participating. I was of course so i did contact the woman and so i spent a good deal of March preparing of the Asian Fashion show (it covered such cultures as India and china as well). The fashion show itself took place on April 5th within a local high school.

So news number 2!
I took some Chado lessons and finished the lessons a few months ago. It was ten lessons in total and after i had learned the basics i surprised my teacher by showing up to her lessons in kimono. It was lots of fun and i hope to take more lessons in the future.

Next up. Prom! I did it guys! I really went to Prom in Kimono! It was lots of fun, i danced a little, ate some food, talked to friends, and received a good deal of complements from friends, parents of friends and strangers from school alike. It was a great experience and i'm glad i went through with it! I'll post some pics below.

Now for some non kimono past news. I graduated from high school on June first! It was nerve wracking but once over I don't quite feel like I've graduated yet, its like i'm in limbo or something.

Non kimono news number 2! I went to Europe with my girl scout troop near the end of June! It was 2 weeks and over 75 miles worth of walking! we saw lots of stuff, did a good deal of things, and ate way too many meals that mostly consisted of meat and potatoes.

So this pretty much brings us up to the present in my life, i did mostly just a little stuff with my friends in July. Now we are in August! This would be my Two year anniversary month of kimono. So i will try to do a kitsuke (the act and art of dressing in kimono) to celebrate 2 years of kimono soon...
This brings us to my most recent news. I just got a job at Jo-Ann. I started yesterday and am going to work a good deal today as well. This is fantastic because i get to make money to spend on kimono (I need more Obi! and more Obijime!   8(>.<)8  ) and on my newer hobbies... western clothing... and hats. Yup, i'm beginning to be a shop-a-holic. i'm collecting purses as well. But, I digress. Either way i won't have as much time to get in kimono for a bit, but i can assure you, the next time i have a day off I will dress up and take some commemorative photos.

So now for a few bits of upcoming news. Now that i'm officially entangled in JASGA I will be taking part in their monthly activities. i will try and take some pics before them because those are almost guaranteed kimono events. I can't disappoint my fans... I seem to be gaining a reputation! (a good one I think!)

This brings us to my last big bit of news. This December it has been decided that i will help JASGA put on a true blue kimono fashion show! *-* . this is different from my last gig as i will be helping in almost all aspects, not just modeling, providing kimono, and dressing other models. Well its some time away and all we are doing now is looking for a venue. I'll see about updating once we know more.

OK, so that's enough about my Oh so exciting life! Now for some pics!
my favorite Tsukesage! its so pretty and vibrant! >.<

my first sorta try at a hime style.

Just a fun shot of me walking away at the Fort Worth Japanese gardens
I actually won a contest with this. i will appear in the Fan section of GoHime as soon as that first E magazine comes out! 

here are my prom pics!

my first home mad yukata! i have one in the works right now.

this was my most recent escapade. the local library had a cosplay event so i dressed both my friend (a regular at that library) and myself for the occasion!

In truth i have dressed  up a few more times but i don't always get pics of those outfits... it all depends on time and how often i have worn that outfit. Well I hope I didn't bore anyone to death with my life but oh well. I don't think i will try to do weekly posts ever again so i'll try to keep up monthly posts. (with the occasional rant or update in between) So i guess i will see you guys (or you will see me at least) next month! I will try to do some fun things in August so i can do a fun post in September! so as we Texans sometimes say... I'll see y'all latter!~

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