Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Something to look forward to...

Just had to get this kimono related bit out...As some might recall i visited my local Jap garden on a scouting mission a few months back (yes i said i would posts pics but i never found them...) well also some months back my friend who is in photography class at school expressed an intrest in going with me and takeing pictures when i whent again in spring.

The only diffrence in this would be i would be wearing kimono, the garden would be half dead with stagnant pools and only 1 big Koi, hopefully it would be quite alive and better taken care of because spring is 'THE SEASON' for the Austin botanical gardens... Also i will probibly be driveing... i should practice getting in and out of the car in kimono...

So as to what i will be wearing well... it will be my newest peice, my red lovely, a nice pair of boots i will have to take a pic of, An obi i just won off of ebay (its cream, yellow, peachy amd a little gold and all geometric but its very mellow and will still contrast nicely) Also i hope to have a green Obiage(i just bought a nice green scarf i can use) and i will probibly use my new Kumihimo disk to make an obijime, (colors are undesided).

the obi should be here in a number of days, i will try and take pictures of the outfit layed out(i can show you my boots, by the way i'm wearing boot because the garden has this nice loose graval on a good number of the paths and i don't want my geta to be ruined and i need to test how long i can wear my Zori without pain... not ideal of a photo shoot!)

In other kimono related news... the obi i mentioned will be my last Major purchase for the next month or two. I may buy some new Tabi, heck i might even get an obiage or obijime... but no obi or Kimono... I am going to begin to save so i can buy myself a nice Ko-furisode Hakama set of some sort, maybe a new juban that will be long enough in the sleves for the Ko-furisode and most definatly a cute hanhaba obi, all i have right now in that deparment is currently pink or purple and they are both plain... so yeah saveing up for a big purchase... though it probibly will not change my posting  frequency... which is when ever i feel like it/ have something TO talk about... XD   )

Saturday, February 25, 2012

New hobby

Ok so i took up a hobby that also has its origins in japan. Kumihimo braiding. My little foam disk came in yesterday and so i tried it out with yarn right away, i made a basic black and white spiral cord around 10 inches or 25 cm.

Since it worked well on my first try i broak out some nice satin rattail i bought last week end to prepare for this awsome event and poped in a movie and began to weave. Watched 1 and 1/2 movie... the first movie was so depressing that i had to stop it and watch something much more light hearted... so around 3-4 hours later i found i had enough woven to work as an obijime so i cut off all the bobbins(made it so much easier not having to untangle it every few moves) and tied anouther knot and proclaimed it as done.

I used 8 diffrent colors... and each bobin can really only make 1 obijime so i guess i can make some  bracelets or necklaces or shorter cords for any new kinchaku bags i deside to make. oh well it works, i can do it and it looks great!

here is what my disk looks like. its about 6 in or 15cm

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My beautiful new obi!

Ok so some time ago i won a beautiful obi off of e-bay (like i have been doing). I just could not resist this beautiful one... It is pretty much good for all seasons... So far what i can idenify is Ume,
Chrysanthemum, Tachibana(i think, i am pretty sure), pine, peony, and of course the birds that i have no clue what they are. It is stunning so i must show you all just how stunning it is with thease pics!

Friday, February 17, 2012

New Phone and Zori

Ok so I didn't mention it but I got an IPhone for my birthday a while back and I finally got a cute phone case for it! Also I got some silver Zori!!! They are a tad to small I think my heel hangs off by a half cm too much but oh well! Guess that's it bye bye!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Unexpeced gift

As many of you know (because i posted it in large letters) not long ago was my birthday... well i got an unexpected birthday gift in the mail today from my uncle and aunt whom i have only seen maybe 5 times total in person... wither way why would i mention this gift you might add well as i post the pics you will see why.
so here they are:

this was my late birthday present... i do beleive it is a Maiko music box... the music box part is for sure and from what i know she is PROBIBLY(being the key word) a maiko... you cannot see the music box pat but there is a switch and you flip it and she begins to slowly spin as a japanese-ish music plays... the song is about 30-45 seconds long and pretty...

Cool gift right?